This chapter discusses a number of theories or schools of thought that challenge contract law’s claims of objectivity and impartiality. It begins with a review of the American legal realist movement of the 1930s. It discusses the major tenets of legal realism including the indeterminacy of law, public-private distinction, contextual interpretation, and the importance of facts. It then reviews more contemporary theories or movements including the critical legal studies movement, death of contract, law and literature, critical race theory, and feminist jurisprudence.
Adams, J. and Brownsword, R., Understanding Contract Law (Fontana Press 1994)
American Law Institute, Restatement (Second) of Contracts (1981)
Atiyah, Patrick, Promises, Morals and Law (Clarendon Press 1981)
Atiyah, Patrick, The Rise and Fall of Freedom of Contract (OUP 1979)
Ayres, Ian and Gertner, Robert, ‘Filling Gaps in Incomplete Contracts: An Economic Theory of Default Rules’ (1989) 99 Yale L. J. 87
Beatson, J. and Friedmann, D., Good Faith and Fault in Contract Law (Clarendon Press 1995)
Bernstein, Lisa, ‘Private Commercial Law in the Cotton Industry: Creating Cooperation through Rules, Norms, and Institutions’ (2001) 99 Mich. L. Rev. 1724
Bix, Brian, Contract Law—Rules, Theory and Context (CUP 2012)
Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan, The Nature of the Judicial Process (Yale University Press 1921)
Cartwright, John, Contract Law (3rd ed., Hart Publishing 2016)
Cohen, Felix, ‘Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach’ (1935) 35 Colum. L. Rev. 809
Cohen, Morris, ‘The Basis of Contract’ (1933) 46 Harv. L. Rev. 553
Collins, Hugh, Regulating Contracts (OUP 1999)
Corbin, Arthur L., Corbin on Contracts (West Publishing 1993)
Cunningham, Lawrence, Contracts in the Real World (CUP 2012)
DiMatteo, Larry, ‘Unframing Legal Reasoning: A Cyclical Theory of Legal Evolution’ (2018) 27 S. Cal Interdisc L.J. 483
DiMatteo, Larry, Equitable Law of Contracts: Standards and Principles (Transnational 2001)
DiMatteo, Larry, Contract Theory, Evolution of Contractual Intent (Michigan St. Press 1998)
DiMatteo, L., Zhou, Q., and Saintier, S. (eds), Commercial Contract Law: Transatlantic Perspective (CUP 2013)
DiMatteo, L. and Hogg, M. (eds), Comparative Contract Law: British and American Perspectives (OUP 2016)
DiMatteo, L., Prentice R., Morant, B. and Barnhizer D., Visions of Contract Theory (Carolina Academic Press 2007)
DiMatteo, Larry A. and Rich, Bruce Louis, ‘A Consent Theory of Unconscionability: An Empirical Study of Law in Action’ (2006) 33 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 1067
Dworkin, Ronald, ‘Hard Cases’ (1975) 88 Harv. L. Rev. 1057
Eisenberg, Melvin, Foundational Principles of Contract Law (OUP 2018)
Farnsworth, E. Allan, Farnsworth on Contracts 3 vols. (3rd ed., Aspen Publishers 2004)
Farnsworth, E. Allan, ‘Precontractual Liability and Preliminary Agreements: Fair Dealing and Failed Negotiations’ (1987) 87 Colum. L. Rev. 217
Farnsworth, E. Allan and Wolfe, Zachary, Farnsworth on Contracts (4th ed., Wolters Kluwer 2019)
Fried, Charles, Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation (2nd ed., Oxford University Press 2015)
Friedman, Lawrence, Contract Law in America: A Social and Economic Case Study (U. Wisconsin Press 1965)
Fuller, Lon, ‘Consideration and Form’ (1941) 41 Columbia L. Rev. 799
Fuller, Lon and Perdue, Will, ‘The Reliance Interest in Contract Damages’ (1936) 46 Yale L.J. 52 (part I), 373 (part II)
Gilmore, Grant, The Ages of American Law (Yale University Press 1977)
Gilmore, Grant, The Death of Contract (Ohio St. U. Press 1974)
Gold, Andrew, ‘Contract as Property’ (2009) 103 Northwestern U. L. Rev. 1
Gordley, James, ‘Equality in Exchange’ (1981) Cal. L. Rev. 1587
Gullifer, L. and Vogenauer, S. (eds), English and European Perspectives on Contract and Commercial Law (Hart Publishing 2014)
Heward, Edmund, Lord Mansfield: A Biography of William Murray 1st Earl of Mansfield, 1705 to 1793 (Sweet & Maxwell 1979)
Hillman, Robert, The Richness of Contract Law: An Analysis and Critique of Contemporary Theories of Contract Law (Springer 1997)
Hogg, Martin, Promises and Contract Law (CUP 2011)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, The Common Law (Little, Brown & Co. 1881)
Isaacs, Nathan, ‘The Standardizing of Contracts’ (1917) 27 Yale L.J. 34
Jennejohn, Matthew C., ‘Contract Adjudication in a Collaborative Economy’ (2010) 5 Va. L. & Bus. Rev. 173
Keener, William, A Treatise on the Law of Quasi-Contracts (N.Y. Baker, Voorhis & Co. 1893)
Kreitner, Roy, Calculating Promises: The Emergence of Modern American Contract Doctrine (Stanford University Press 2006)
Kronman, Anthony and Posner, Richard, The Economics of Contract Law (Little, Brown & Co. 1979)
Llewellyn, Karl, Common Law Tradition (Little, Brown & Co. 1960)
Leff, Arthur Allen, ‘Unconscionability and the Code: The Emperor’s New Clause’ (1967) 115 U. Pa. L. Rev. 485
McKendrick, Ewan, Contract Law (14th ed., Red Globe Press 2021)
Morgan, Jonathan, Contract Law Minimalism (CUP 2013)
Oman, Nathan, ‘Unity and Pluralism in Contract Law’ (2005) 103 Michigan L. Rev. 1483
Perillo, Joseph, Contracts (7th ed., West Publishing 2014)
Pollock, Frederick, Principles of Contract at Law and Equity (6th ed., Stevens & Sons 1894)
Posner, Eric, ‘Economic Analysis of Contract Law After Three Decades: Success or Failure?’ (2003) 112 Yale L.J. 829
Pound, Roscoe, ‘Mechanical Jurisprudence’ (1908) 8 Colum. L. Rev. 605
Pound, Roscoe, ‘Liberty of Contract’ (1908) 18 Yale L.J. 454
Rubin, Paul, ‘Why Is the Common Law Efficient?’ (1977) 6 J. Legal Stud. 51
Schwartz, Alan and Scott, Robert E., ‘Contract Theory and the Limits of Contract Law’ (2003) 133 Yale L. J. 541
Shiffrin, Valentine, ‘Divergence of Contract and Promise’ (2007) 120 Harvard L. Rev. 708
Smith, Stephen, Contract Theory (OUP 2004)
Smith, Stephen, Atiyah’s Introduction to the Law of Contract (6th ed., OUP 2005)
Smits, Jon, Contract Law: A Comparative Introduction (Edward Elgar 2014)
Sullivan, Kathleen, ‘The Justice of Rules and Standards’ (1992) 106 Harv. L. Rev. 22
Teeven, Kevin, History of the Anglo-American Common Law of Contract (Greenwood 1990)
Threedy, Debora, ‘Dancing Around Gender: Lessons from Arthur Murray on Gender and Contracts’ (2010) 45 Wake Forest L. Rev. 101
Trakman, Leon, ‘Pluralism in Contract Law’ (2010) 58 Buffalo L. Rev. 1031
Twining, William, Karl Llewellyn and the Realist Movement (CUP 1973)
Waddams, Stephen, Principle and Policy in Contract Law (CUP 2011)
Warren, Elizabeth, ‘Formal and Operative Rules Under Common Law and Code’ (1983) 30 UCLA L. Rev. 898
Werbach, Kevin and Cornell, Nicolas, ‘Contracts Ex Machina’ (2017) 67 Duke Law Journal 313
White, James, and Summers, Robert, Principles of Sales Law (West 2009)
Williston, Samuel, Treatise on the Law of Contracts 8 vols. (Richard Lord, 4th ed., Lawyers Cooperative Publishing 1990)
Wood, Horace Gay, A Treatise on the Law of Master and Servant (Bancroft-Whitney Co. 1877)
Zamir, Eyal, ‘Contract Law and Theory–Three Views of the Cathedral’ (2014) U. Chicago L. Rev 2084
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