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This contemporary Research Agenda examines the threats to stability and sustainability presented by economically motivated crime and misconduct. Featuring contributions from distinguished experts in the field of criminal law and justice, this book proposes avenues for future research into the legal frameworks designed to prevent and manage economic crime and corruption.

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This Modern Guide presents a comprehensive synthesis of contemporary thought on the informal economy, which, as the author demonstrates – far from being a peripheral feature of the global economy – is a system in which the majority of the global workforce are employed and which has pervasive detrimental effects. Formalising it is therefore a priority for most governments.

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This insightful Research Agenda explores the varied manifestations of organised crime, both on the street and through transnational enterprises, and reveals its impact on the integrity of the financial system. Leading academics identify measures which would disrupt and discourage these threats, however sophisticated, and consider avenues for future research.

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In this timely Research Agenda, Barry Rider has assembled a cast of internationally renowned experts to identify the most pressing questions and issues around financial crime, helping to inform our understanding of how best to protect our economies and financial institutions.

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A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime discusses the evolution of a field, whose growing relevance among scholars and policymakers is partly related to the persistence of crime and violence around the world and partly to the remarkable progress made in recent years in the economic analysis of individual and organised crime. With contributions from some of the leading scholars in the economics of crime, the volume highlights a variety of topics, conceptual frameworks and empirical approaches, thus providing a comprehensive overview of the most recent developments of the field.

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A Total Business Solution Approach

Product counterfeits and other brand infringements represent a growing and substantial risk to firms, consumers, and society. While policing such illicit activity is important, there is much that firms can do to protect themselves and their customers. Grounded in field research and practice, this book presents a total business solution approach to brand protection that enables firms to prevent infringement from occurring and respond efficiently when it does.

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Dealing with the Problem of PEPs
This insightful book critically explores the political, constitutional, legal, and economic challenges of effectively combating the laundering of the proceeds of crime by politically exposed persons (PEPs) in Africa.
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A Theory of Business Convenience
This insightful book illustrates thirteen case studies demonstrating the convenience theory of white-collar crime. Offering an integrated deductive perspective through a convenience lens, Petter Gottschalk provides crucial insights into the motives, opportunities and behaviors behind executive deviance.
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Detection, Investigation, Reconstruction
By examining white-collar crime scandals using the theory of convenience, Petter Gottschalk offers ways to improve the detection of crime signals and investigative skills in fraud examinations, as well as improve change management measures.
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Case Studies of Fraud Examinations
The ‘convenience triangle’ is the dynamic relationship between motive, opportunity, and willingness to commit a crime, which culminates in the illegal acts which constitute white-collar crime. This book aims to discuss the role of the ‘convenience triangle’ in white-collar crime, how it affects the perpetration of these crimes, the impact of this on detection and prevention and the effects of the punitive measures taken against white-collar criminals.
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