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Challenges for Europe and North America
Accessibility is a concept central to integrated transport and land use planning. The goal of improving accessibility for all modes, for all people, has made its way into mainstream transport policy and planning in communities worldwide. This unique and fascinating book introduces new accessibility approaches to transport planning across Europe and the United States.
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Monograph Book
This definitive and comprehensive book, with contributions from world-renowned foreign trade zone expert, the late Walter Diamond, provides an up-to-date guide to the free trade zones and subzones in the United States and around the world.
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Monograph Book
The Asia-Pacific Experience

The transformation of public ports into commercially orientated and profitable entities is occurring apace in the Asia-Pacific region. This timely book is the first to take a regional perspective on port reform and port privatisation. A range of countries is examined, including China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. The book’s contributors are academic specialists in the fields of port economics and management, whose country studies illustrate a variety of port privatisation methods and outcomes in an economically, politically and culturally diverse region connected by extensive maritime trade networks. Significantly, the book concludes that privatisation of ports is an important but far from universal approach to reforming the region’s ports.

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Monograph Book
Cost–benefit Analysis, Planning and Innovation
This book enlarges the understanding of decision-making on mega-projects and suggest recommendations for a more effective, efficient and democratic approach. Authors from different scientific disciplines address various aspects of the decision-making process, such as management characteristics and cost–benefit analysis, planning and innovation and competition and institutions. The subject matter is highly diverse, but certain questions remain at the forefront. For example, how do we deal with protracted preparation processes, how do we tackle risks and uncertainties, and how can we best divide the risks and responsibilities among the private and public players throughout the different phases of the project?
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Monograph Book
An International Comparative Analysis
Numerous countries have attempted to improve the performance of their railways by introducing more competition, but there is fierce debate and no consensus on how this is best achieved. This book reveals how railways were an obvious target for reform because they were often losing traffic and money, and because the government was typically deeply involved as either owner or regulator.
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Monograph Book
Focussing on the economics of terrorism in the post 9/11 world, this book brings together original research based on the collaborative efforts of leading economists and planners. The authoritative and expert contributors use a variety of methodological approaches and apply them to different types of terrorist attacks (on airports, highways, seaports, electric power infrastructure, for example).
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Monograph Book
Optimal Scheduling of Interactive Road Projects

This book systematically addresses the issue of interdependence between road projects in a network, when prioritising and scheduling road expansion and maintenance. The book presents substantial applications for both rural and urban projects and to the optimization of maintenance. The authors confirm the extreme sensitivity to project timing but also show that solutions with almost equal net present values may have dissimilar work schedules. One of these may be selected on environmental or other grounds without losing road user benefits. They go on to explore and demonstrate the issues associated with the integration of evolutionary computing techniques, transport modelling and cost–benefit analysis to achieve an optimal road investment timetable.

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Monograph Book
Essays in Honor of David Boyce
Honoring David Boyce for his legendary contributions to the fields of transportation modeling and regional science, the chapters in this festschrift highlight and analyze state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice methodologies and theories in transportation modeling, regional and urban planning.
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Monograph Book
Anthony Ellison cuts through conventional neo-classical interpretations to expose the indispensable contribution of entrepreneurs in driving the market process and, in particular, in accomplishing the deregulation of the transportation, trade, telecommunications and financial regimes both in North America and across the globe. Entrepreneurs have an important role in any economy, but in this seminal study, the author argues that they have played a crucial part in shaping the contemporary global market. Entrepreneurs and the Transformation of the Global Economy situates the emergence of the contemporary global market economy within an historical context.
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Monograph Book