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Despite recurring efforts, a gap exists across a variety of contexts between the protection of patients’ safety in theory and in practice. This timely Research Handbook highlights these critical issues and suggests both legal and policy changes are necessary to better protect patients’ safety.

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This comprehensive second edition Research Handbook discusses a wide range of timely questions and dilemmas ensuing from the present state of European social security law. Presenting a kaleidoscopic concept of social security, a new generation of leading experts identifies future lines of inquiry that are likely to dominate the discourse in the coming years.

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International and Comparative Perspectives

Adopting a critical multijurisdictional approach to charity law, this thought-provoking book provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges facing charitable organisations. Exploring the contrasting approaches to charity governance and regulation in both common law and civil law jurisdictions, the book imparts practical guidance for a vast array of stakeholders in the charity law field.

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Monograph Book
Regulating Biological Computing

Offering a novel and pragmatic perspective, this timely book critically examines the development of a culture of machinist regulation and questions whether this approach is appropriate in an era of rising biological technologies. Adopting an ontological approach, James Griffin considers how current regulatory frameworks favour digital technology and how this may change in the future.

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Monograph Book

Freedom Under the Private Law examines the relationship between the private law, the rule of law and the protection of liberty. It traces important historical shifts in how these relationships have been conceived, from Plato’s conception of the Philosopher Kings, through the classical nineteenth century view of Dicey, the rise of the welfare state and the modern political economy of the present day. It offers a nuanced analysis of the intersection between private law and personal freedom.

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Monograph Book

This authoritative Elgar Encyclopedia provides a comprehensive overview of central concepts in labour studies, and how they can be used to analyse labour markets. Examining regional and sectoral labour markets alongside the internal labour markets of firms, it clearly lays out the current state of social scientific knowledge on labour.

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Editors: and

Offering an original legal definition of shaming, this incisive book argues for greater attention to shaming by legal scholars and practitioners. Suggesting nuanced procedures to regulate shaming in diverse areas of law, it seeks to make shaming by legal entities legitimate and effective, and to use legal mechanisms to limit inappropriate shaming in non-legal contexts.

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Monograph Book

This ground-breaking book demonstrates that states are not attentive enough to the serious human rights implications of trade mark protection. Important rights to freedom of expression, health, life, benefits from science and culture, privacy, a fair trial and protection from discrimination and hate speech are often insufficiently addressed.

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Monograph Book

Providing a refreshing take on transitional justice, this second edition Research Handbook brings together an expanse of scholarly expertise to reconsider how societies deal with gross human rights violations, structural injustices and mass violence. Contextualised by historical developments, it covers a diverse range of concepts, actors and mechanisms of transitional justice, while shedding light on new and emerging areas in the field.

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This timely book investigates emerging efforts to govern artificial intelligence (AI) at an international level. It aptly emphasizes the complex interactions involved when creating international laws, exploring potential and current developments in AI regulation.

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Monograph Book