Elgar Research Reviews consist of two principal components: a scholarly review article and a list of recommended readings.
This Research Review is an updated and revised edition of a book that was previously only available in printed format. A listing of the original table of contents is also included, referred to here as the ‘print edition table of contents’.
Each review article is prepared by a leading scholar and introduces the relevant field of academic study by surveying the seminal and most transformative articles within that field. This piece sets the recommended readings into context, revealing how they have shaped scholarship and why they are important to the development of the field. To facilitate further research the recommended readings are fully referenced.
If your library has provided the location of their link resolver you can search for the article in their online catalogue. To facilitate this we have included a hyperlink under each reference.
There is also a link to search for each reading within Google Scholar, providing an important alternative method of finding the readings on the original publisher’s website and helping you to identify similar work.
This Research Review is an updated and revised edition of a book that was previously only available in printed format.
The Theory of Inflation
Michael Parkin (ed.)
ISBN 978 1 85278 299 3
This edition includes the full text of the original review article and of the print edition table of contents. Each entry in the print edition table of contents is presented exactly as it appeared in its original setting.
To see if the print edition is available in your library, use the 'Find This Book In Your Library’ button at the top of this page. Note that the button only appears if your library has provided details of their link resolver.